Saturday, January 26, 2013

Arrived on base at Newport, RI.

This morning at 6:00 I hugged and kissed my Samuel goodbye.  
He arrived on base at 1:00 and slept for a couple of hours.  He woke up in search for food and was directed by the front desk worker to order pizza, as that was his only choice because he did not have a military ID yet to travel off and back on base. 
He said it's very cold up there and snowing.  Not a surprise, coming from a Texas boy. 
While looking for a water fountain, Sam ran into a group of Candidates that were in the lounge area eating pizza.  During his water fountain adventure, he also ran into another candidate that offered him a ride to check in tomorrow morning.  Sam was really worried about how he would get to check in tomorrow morning, so this was a relief!  I've joined the Facebook page dedicated to his class (09-13) and it's already eased my mind tremendously!
Earlier he told me he was going to try to get some more sleep and he'd call a little while later.  Showing up to OCS not feeling well is definitely not an exciting start! 

Just to help future candidates prepare.  Sam's recruiter made copies of all of Sam's documents and attached them to his file before sending it to Newport, so Sam didn't have to bring anything important up there.  I also read that the DI's enjoy dumping out all of the indoc's seabags and yell at them to pick everything up as quick as possible.  Because of this, I grouped all of Sam's stuff in about 5 - gallon ziploc bags. Socks in 2, briefs in 1, toiletries in another, etc.  This way, instead of having to pick up 30 items in 10 seconds, he only has to pick up 5 bags.  MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THEIR NAME ON EVERYTHING, including the ziplocs. 

Because I already have Sam's class number, I can start writing him letters!  He isn't allowed to receive them until week 2, but hopefully he'll have a stash of letters from me to keep him going by week 2. 

Well, that's all for now.  Hopefully I hear from him before tomorrow morning!  I know he needs rest, but it is our last night of communication. :(

Tomorrow....check in. OCS day 1 begins. 

Sam and I were high school sweethearts.  We got married January 10, 2013! He is a Texas State graduate of BA, and I am a Texas Tech graduate of Wind Energy. 


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