Monday, January 28, 2013

OCS Day 2

This morning I started that job I spoke of.  I'm not sure if I want to stay with it, only because I would much rather be at home with my puppies, laying in bed talking to my Moma and hanging out with her watching tv all day and crying to her about how much I miss my Samuel.

At about 1230, I received my "I arrived" phone call from Samuel.  It lasted for exactly 2 minutes.  It was very loud and he was so very soft sounding.  He sounded so depressed, it hurt me so bad.  He said "I don't know what to tell you, Baby.  They just came at me so fast with that needle, they didn't even tell me it was coming.  It was a flu immunization. They just stabbed it in my arm without me knowing." He certainly sounded full of regret and doubt and my heart aches because of it.  He is in Alpha-A company, and said yesterday was terrible, today is a little better.  How awful! They haven't even started PT yet, and they've already made them feel so belittled and depressed.  I don't understand why they think they have to tear them down.  JUST BUILD THEM UP! What is the military's mentality? They aren't cattle. They aren't guinea pigs! I'm so angry and frustrated.  We aren't a vaccine family, so it infuriates me that they wouldn't even tell him "we're giving you a shot" before stabbing it into his arm. He said his hair was cut.  I told him I was so proud of him and to stay strong.  He did a sarcastic laugh that sounded like he knew I was told to say that to him.  It was all so rushed and he was in such a hurry to tell me "I love you so much and I miss you terribly. Please tell my family I love and miss them." :(

I just want to go pick him up and rock him forever in my arms.  I can't wait until graduation and I hope to God that my Baby is that same boy and mind I fell in love with.  I hope they can't change him. He's so strong minded and to hear him sound so depressed was like a million pounds of weight on my heart.  I've already sent off 3 letters.  2 went in the mail this morning, and I just put another in the drop box.  I want him to receive so many letters on Monday.  My goal is to write 2 letters per day and I certainly cannot do that while working a job.  I don't think I will continue working.  I don't see a need to.  Sam told me that he doesn't know what to think and he isn't happy. UGH!!!


His father is a 23 year commander and captain and he told me to tell Sam that these 12 weeks will be the hardest, and that the rest is all an easy ride after this.  I hope that's true.

Some families didn't get called today, it made me really sad.  I would hate to be by the phone waiting all day, knowing other LO's are calling, and mine hasn't gotten to it.  My heart aches for the ones who haven't gotten a call, and are going to sleep tonight knowing some got calls, and they didn't.

I asked Sam to call and leave me a voicemail yesterday morning before he checked in.  He did, and I just want to listen to it over and over again.

This is rough.  I can't imagine how rough it is for them.  How much he just wants to curl up and cry.  I wanted to all day at work, but I couldn't and it hurt so much more.  Imagine how they feel.

I thought I was exaggerating a bit, but his call earlier made me know for certain that they are treating them poorly and breaking them down and depressing them so much.

I wish he really knew how proud of him I am even on this 2nd day.  I would have turned that phone call into "I arrived, come get me, Moma!" :'(

I love that boy so much. My Samberry is sad. :(

This is what Sam had to go through today. It doesn't talk about cattle herding or stabbing you with unexpected needles. He said he thought his run was on Wednesday, but this says that it's tomorrow. Who knows. I guess we'll find out from him in a week or so.  I can't wait to get a letter from him.  I wish they weren't such jerks and let him write home on the first day.  I don't get what the week delay is. GRRRRR!!! Let them love and be loved! They're serving our country, for Heaven's sake!

You will spend the majority of today at hospital for a physical evaluation. Take advantage of the time to study gouge, more importantly, however, take the time to relax. The day is relatively easy if you keep your head in the game and recognize what is going on around you. Until you complete your physical evaluation and PRT (physical readiness test), no one can make you do any physical activity. However, make sure you regain your military bearing and be locked on when you leave the clinic because it is likely that your Class DI will be watching.
Today is also the day to begin paying close attention to the procedures at chow hall. Once you have met your DI, one of his primary concerns will be your adherence to chow hall procedures. If your class knows these well, you will be more likely to escape very difficult RPT (remedial physical training) sessions right before you eat. The class cannot do RPT within 30 minutes of eating.
At around 1700 (5pm), your class will receive haircuts. No matter how short your hair is when you arrive, you will still receive a haircut today.
Before hitting your rack tonight, it may be advisable to do a short set of pushups and curlups to remind yourself of proper form and to briefly loosen up the muscles. Do not try to max out tonight, just make sure your form is good and that you are good and loose before bed.

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