Saturday, February 16, 2013

OCS Saturday of Week 3

Some of the LO's got to email and call home today.  They informed their families that the majority of the day was spent getting fitted for Khaki's, Whites, and Blues.  They also said that they will be allowed to make calls tomorrow, as well as Monday because it is President's Day.  I received 2 letters from Samuel today!

Friday, February 15, 2013

OCS Week 3

The majority of this week was spent preparing for RLP, which was moved up one week because of the transition to the new building for OCS.  I didn't receive any letters on Monday or Tuesday, but on Wednesday and Thursday I received 5 letters total.  Valentine's Day was Thursday, which happened to be the day of RLP.  The letters talked about how excited he was to learn that he'd be a daddy, and what he's spent his days doing.  Mostly drill practice, preparation for RLP, studying the gouge, sleeping on top of his made bed, going to the NEX.  He also said that the class divided the RLP preps up so that each person had a specific task, like folding, stamping, shining, etc.  Each person was able to specialize in one thing, and benefit the entire company.  He said that no matter what you do, all OCS Candidates should buy size MEDIUM shirts because they fold perfect with the 6x6 required fold. 

He also surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries yesterday from Shari's Berries. :o) Apparently, he ordered them before he checked into OCS. My Sweetheart <3 I love that boy SO freaking much! In a letter I received yesterday, he mentioned that he wanted me to give my mom and Sophy (our beautiful Weimador) a strawberry. :) He almost blew the surprise! But his letters were mailed in PERFECT timing!

Apparently his Company (A) had 3 that failed RLP on Thursday, ruining their chance at being an Honor Class (winning all events against Company B).  The entire class will work with those 3 so that they get another chance at passing tomorrow (Saturday). 

I had my first Dr. appointment on Wednesday!  The Baby is 7 weeks as of today, due October 4th! :o)

Monday, February 11, 2013

OCS Day 13-15 Friday-Saturday of Week 2, Sunday Week 3

Not much going on that I'm informed about.  They moved RLP up one week, so it's Valentine's Day (Thursday).  I received a couple of letters in one envelope from Samuel on Friday, and then another envelope with letters on Saturday.  These letters are so amazing!  He keeps telling me in every letter how much he loves the poem I wrote and put in his wallet before he left.  He says it pushes him through each day and has given him a different outlook on the entire thing.

Here are the highlights from Friday:
Training Highlights

OCS Class 09-13 (By Class Officers LT McQuiddy and LT Thorn)

Class 09-13 completed their 2nd week of training at OCS. This was the first week that the class wore the Navy Working Uniform (NWU). This past week the class participated in daily PT, a swim qualification test, attended medical appointments for their commissioning physicals, learned about wearing various uniforms, began preparation for their first inspection, and participated in rifle drill. The class has now learned all the required rifle movements and is in the process of perfecting them. You will be able to see the finished product during the Pass in Review on the Thursday of graduation week. The class will begin their academic classes next week with Sea Power, also known as Naval History and will be busy preparing for class, drill and future inspections over the weekend.

On Saturday at about 12pm, I received a call from Samuel.  He said that the DI found out via facebook that I was pregnant, and wanted him to call me.  He had FIVE minutes to talk!  So much time!  It was so good to hear his voice.  He said that he'd lost the stamps in the move.  He said "you're writing twice a day, right? please write more!" These letters really are their life, guys.  His letters mean the world to me, and I have my family, friends, internet, phone, puppies, everything but him! He has nothing but letters.  He said it's getting much easier and that the Officer Candidate are way more relaxed now that they have classed up from Indoc to Officer Candidates.

I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT'S ALREADY WEEK 3!! It takes about 3 days for the letters to reach him, in addition to one day for sitting in the mail box, post box, post office, etc.

There is a giant winter storm up there called Nemo, I think, and it's shut down power several times.  He also said that the heater in his dorm room is broken, so him and his dorm mate have to sleep in their sweats and all, and then when their rudely awoken in the morning, they have to take it all off as quick as they can, post up in their underwear, and then put it all back on within 10 seconds.  He also said that the way they require the beds to be made, it takes two people and about 10 minutes; so they just all sleep on top of their made beds.  How terrible! No heater, no blankets! He said they should be moving into a new dorm after RLP, which is why they've bumped RLP up one week, because of the old building, the storm, and how cold it is.  So they need to get them all to the new dorm.

He said "RLP is on Valentine's Day, nice timing, huh?" But, after RLP, at about noon, they will get to send out an email stating that they made it through RLP, and got email privileges!  I hope the class does well!! Email privileges would be so great!!

He said that the only way they get to study, is my standing at attention with their feet at a 45 degree angle, left hand out holding the gouge packet, right hand with thumb in trousers and pinky bent back.  That's what they have to do four about 10 hours each day.  He said his legs hurt so bad and he's so tired and just wants to crawl into his bed and sleep forever.  He also said he wants to leave and get on a plane and fly straight into my arms, "I'd be there by six, easy." :(

Sundays are the only days they can study sitting down, because they're allowed to attend church, and they just bring their gouge books to church and study.  He said he wished he had had more time to study the gouge before he went up there.

That's all for now. Maybe I'll get another letter tomorrow (Monday)!

Friday, February 8, 2013

OCS Day 12 - Thursday of Week 2

I didn't post yesterday out of tears of joy and excitement.  Sam called me around 630 RI time to tell me that he received my "I'm pregnant" letter and is "amazed" and "so happy"!!!! He sounded all choked up like he was going to cry.  I asked him if he'd lost his voice and he said "No! I'm just amazed!! I got your letter! You're pregnant letter!!!! Congratulations!!"  He also asked me to send him more stamps.  The service was bad and the call dropped but he called back to talk a little bit more (20 seconds of 'are you there?') and then it dropped again and I haven't heard from him since.

He called me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He got special privileges to call.  The phone number was from Maine, so he probably borrowed an upper class man's cell phone really quick.  :o) YAYY!!!!

He also said "I've been getting all of your letters, please keep writing me.  I've been writing you every day, I don't know if you've gotten them yet.  But I'm writing you too, Baby."

I love him so much. :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

OCS Day 11 - Wednesday of Week 2

No updates today!  That's a good thing, though.  Apparently Company B hasn't been given their mail, but A (Sam's company) has.  No pictures from Facebook.  I know they are finishing up their swimming, taking their naval history class, and taking drill lessons (rifle handling).  No big news other than that.  They might not have gotten to their drill lessons, yet.  But they are for sure PTing, swimming, and studying naval history.  One of the LOs said in his email that he was allowed to start writing letters this past Saturday, so maybe Sam has put a letter in the mail!  Time will tell.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

OCS Day 10 - Tuesday of Week 2

Tuesday of week 2.  Not sure what Samuel did today.  Most likely academics.  The rest of the companies did their swimming and Sam was not in any of those pictures, but LOs from company A were in them.  Not sure why Sam got to go yesterday with only a few candidates, but the group today was SO BIG!   So, I really have no clue what his group got to do today, maybe relax? Go to the NEX? No word from him, or anybody on the Facebook page.  BUT, I am 4 weeks pregnant today and my first doctor appointment is next Wednesday! Yay!!  He most likely hasn't received his "I'm pregnant" letter yet, maybe tomorrow!  Maybe he can show his DI and they'll let him call home for a minute?! hehe :)

This is 4 weeks pregnant. :) How crazy! A wittle Dinosaur! :-P

Monday, February 4, 2013

OCS Day 9 - Email

I received my first email from Samuel today at 1400.  I don't know how often they are allowed to check their email, but hopefully I hear back from him soon!  It was SO good to hear from him!!!

Did you not receive the last messages I sent you? I just wrote two long messages to you, but I'm pretty sure they didn't send. This military mail server is shabby :( I love you, Baby.

OCS Day 9 Week 2 Swim Qualification

They posted pictures of the Swim Qualification!  This is a rollable event. I believe they have to stay in deep end water for an extended period of time, and this will show that they are capable of surviving if they ever had to float in water for awhile.  I didn't receive a phone call so that's good!  They should get mail privileges today, as well.  And they also should start their Naval History class. They also start rotating section leader so that everybody will have an opportunity to lead.

4 from the closest, after the girls. :)
 With the tattoo in the back :)
 In the front row, 4 from the closest, after the girls.
 Front row, 2nd from left, turned around. :)
 Peeking out from behind the instructor, first row. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

OCS Day 8 - Sunday of Week 2

Today they are supposed to get laundry privileges and possible phone call privileges IF their class did well enough this past week to "secure."  I have not heard from Sam today, but they're saying it's a possibility.  It's Super Bowl Sunday...but who really cares? lol
They might be allowed to run to the Navy Exchange or NEX today, and they also have picked up Battalion cleaning assignments.  Sam is in Company A, but one of the moms who has a son in Company B said that she spoke to him and he said they would be allowed mail privileges on Saturday (yesterday).  I think her son WAS in Company B, but rolled into H-Class, and that would be why she heard from him.  They are definitely supposed to have mail privileges starting tomorrow, and will be allowed to read mail every day.  I'm not sure about how often they're allowed to write, though.  I told Sam to not spend his study time writing me because I'd much rather hear from him seldom, than hear that he rolled and will be there for an extra 3 weeks!
The OCS guide book says under WEEK TWO: "Sundays, reveille goes off at 0630 and there are Protestant, Catholic, and other services available on base, the rest of the day is yours."
I'm assuming that they don't have much going on today!  Quite possibly, I'll get a phone call from my Baby! :)

OCS Day 7 - Black Friday

Luckily, I did not hear from Samuel on Saturday!  The class was welcomed aboard to the regiment and transferred from being "Indoctrination Candidates" to "Officer Candidates," although now, they've extended indoctrination week until week 3, instead of it ending week 1.  Here is the summary of the day:

Day Seven (BLACK Saturday)
Today will be your last test of Indoc week. Prepare to PT like you never have before. There are any number of ways your Drill Instructor can decide to put your class through this last test so its hard to say what will occur. Drill Instructors will be circling like sharks and there will be many, many RPT sessions. Keep your bearing, give all you’ve got, yell loud, and it will be over before you know it. Realize one thing, today nobody
will do anything right in the eyes of the Drill Instructor. By the end of the day you will be exhausted, filthy, your uniform will be drenched in sweat and you will stink beyond comprehension. More importantly, you will be a part of Battalion. You are no longer Indoctrination Candidates but Officer Candidates and have survived the first week at OCS.
In the afternoon, your Class Drill Instructor will normally brief you on your RLP that occurs during the 3rd week. There will usually be examples laid out of how he wants everything folded and stamped. Be prepared to pay close attention and even take notes if you can on what he says. You will need to start preparing for the inspection this afternoon even though the inspection is two weeks away. Your Drill Instructor may also
assign class billets. These include Class President, Class Vice-President, PT Body, RLP (or MTT, this will be explained later) Body, Knowledge Body, Drill Body, Watch Bill Coordinator, and 1st Lieutenant to name a few. These are positions of leadership within in your class and could be a good way to distinguish yourself. However, be careful if you decide to pursue one of these positions. You don’t want to over exert yourself and end up causing yourself more heartache in the future. 
Tips for passing Indoc Week 
 Sleep is valuable (especially Tuesday and Thursday nights) – do not waste time staying up after taps talking with your shipmates. Some candidates will want to get the class together and try to have class meetings. Try to limit these meetings to 15 min. or less. No matter how hard you try, you will not get things perfect the first week; there is just too much to take in. Cover the most important things then get your sleep. It is far more important to be well rested to be able to stay awake in your briefs and be able to withstand the demanding physical requirements. 
 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – It is very important that you keep enough water in your body so that you will not suffer from heat stress or cramps. You will be issued a canteen on your first day at OCS. You will carry this canteen with you everywhere you go, including the head. You will find hydration posters in the head. Based off the color of your urine, it will suggest how much water you 12 should drink. Basically, if your urine isn’t clear, you aren’t drinking enough water. If you aren’t getting up at least once in the middle of the night to make a head call, you aren’t drinking enough water. Do not worry about interrupting briefs to make head calls; the staff at OCS understands how much water you are drinking and will not deny you a head call. So, hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate. This cannot be stressed enough!!
Your class will not get everything perfect the first week. Do not think that you are off to a bad start or already doomed for failure. You will screw up and your Class Drill Instructor will yell at you and RPT your class. This is typical and every class goes through a similar process.
Listen to what the priors have to say and ask for their advice. Also, the roll-ins that are added to your class are an invaluable tool. They have usually been at OCS for a while now, usually rolling for failing the in-PRT or other medical problems. However, do not write them off as useless failures; most people who have been  to H-class emerge as class leaders since they have been at OCS for a while and know how things are done. Talk to them and listen to what they have to say, they usually have very useful insight on how to make life at OCS a lot easier.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Greatest News of All Time :)

Earlier today, I found out I'M PREGNANT! :o)

Pardon, if my blog becomes a mix between OCS and Pregnancy.


I might hear from Sam tomorrow (Saturday) or Sunday.  They're saying that they get to read their mail tomorrow though.  Saturday they become part of the regiment and are "welcomed aboard" :)

3 months no longer seems an eternity away when 8 months to go is your next count down!!


YES! No phone call from Samuel today!! It's already 4:30 their time and Outpost has been completed. :o) See pictures below!
Samuel is the 2nd from the front in the first picture below. :)