Monday, February 11, 2013

OCS Day 13-15 Friday-Saturday of Week 2, Sunday Week 3

Not much going on that I'm informed about.  They moved RLP up one week, so it's Valentine's Day (Thursday).  I received a couple of letters in one envelope from Samuel on Friday, and then another envelope with letters on Saturday.  These letters are so amazing!  He keeps telling me in every letter how much he loves the poem I wrote and put in his wallet before he left.  He says it pushes him through each day and has given him a different outlook on the entire thing.

Here are the highlights from Friday:
Training Highlights

OCS Class 09-13 (By Class Officers LT McQuiddy and LT Thorn)

Class 09-13 completed their 2nd week of training at OCS. This was the first week that the class wore the Navy Working Uniform (NWU). This past week the class participated in daily PT, a swim qualification test, attended medical appointments for their commissioning physicals, learned about wearing various uniforms, began preparation for their first inspection, and participated in rifle drill. The class has now learned all the required rifle movements and is in the process of perfecting them. You will be able to see the finished product during the Pass in Review on the Thursday of graduation week. The class will begin their academic classes next week with Sea Power, also known as Naval History and will be busy preparing for class, drill and future inspections over the weekend.

On Saturday at about 12pm, I received a call from Samuel.  He said that the DI found out via facebook that I was pregnant, and wanted him to call me.  He had FIVE minutes to talk!  So much time!  It was so good to hear his voice.  He said that he'd lost the stamps in the move.  He said "you're writing twice a day, right? please write more!" These letters really are their life, guys.  His letters mean the world to me, and I have my family, friends, internet, phone, puppies, everything but him! He has nothing but letters.  He said it's getting much easier and that the Officer Candidate are way more relaxed now that they have classed up from Indoc to Officer Candidates.

I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT'S ALREADY WEEK 3!! It takes about 3 days for the letters to reach him, in addition to one day for sitting in the mail box, post box, post office, etc.

There is a giant winter storm up there called Nemo, I think, and it's shut down power several times.  He also said that the heater in his dorm room is broken, so him and his dorm mate have to sleep in their sweats and all, and then when their rudely awoken in the morning, they have to take it all off as quick as they can, post up in their underwear, and then put it all back on within 10 seconds.  He also said that the way they require the beds to be made, it takes two people and about 10 minutes; so they just all sleep on top of their made beds.  How terrible! No heater, no blankets! He said they should be moving into a new dorm after RLP, which is why they've bumped RLP up one week, because of the old building, the storm, and how cold it is.  So they need to get them all to the new dorm.

He said "RLP is on Valentine's Day, nice timing, huh?" But, after RLP, at about noon, they will get to send out an email stating that they made it through RLP, and got email privileges!  I hope the class does well!! Email privileges would be so great!!

He said that the only way they get to study, is my standing at attention with their feet at a 45 degree angle, left hand out holding the gouge packet, right hand with thumb in trousers and pinky bent back.  That's what they have to do four about 10 hours each day.  He said his legs hurt so bad and he's so tired and just wants to crawl into his bed and sleep forever.  He also said he wants to leave and get on a plane and fly straight into my arms, "I'd be there by six, easy." :(

Sundays are the only days they can study sitting down, because they're allowed to attend church, and they just bring their gouge books to church and study.  He said he wished he had had more time to study the gouge before he went up there.

That's all for now. Maybe I'll get another letter tomorrow (Monday)!

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