Sunday, February 3, 2013

OCS Day 8 - Sunday of Week 2

Today they are supposed to get laundry privileges and possible phone call privileges IF their class did well enough this past week to "secure."  I have not heard from Sam today, but they're saying it's a possibility.  It's Super Bowl Sunday...but who really cares? lol
They might be allowed to run to the Navy Exchange or NEX today, and they also have picked up Battalion cleaning assignments.  Sam is in Company A, but one of the moms who has a son in Company B said that she spoke to him and he said they would be allowed mail privileges on Saturday (yesterday).  I think her son WAS in Company B, but rolled into H-Class, and that would be why she heard from him.  They are definitely supposed to have mail privileges starting tomorrow, and will be allowed to read mail every day.  I'm not sure about how often they're allowed to write, though.  I told Sam to not spend his study time writing me because I'd much rather hear from him seldom, than hear that he rolled and will be there for an extra 3 weeks!
The OCS guide book says under WEEK TWO: "Sundays, reveille goes off at 0630 and there are Protestant, Catholic, and other services available on base, the rest of the day is yours."
I'm assuming that they don't have much going on today!  Quite possibly, I'll get a phone call from my Baby! :)

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