Friday, February 15, 2013

OCS Week 3

The majority of this week was spent preparing for RLP, which was moved up one week because of the transition to the new building for OCS.  I didn't receive any letters on Monday or Tuesday, but on Wednesday and Thursday I received 5 letters total.  Valentine's Day was Thursday, which happened to be the day of RLP.  The letters talked about how excited he was to learn that he'd be a daddy, and what he's spent his days doing.  Mostly drill practice, preparation for RLP, studying the gouge, sleeping on top of his made bed, going to the NEX.  He also said that the class divided the RLP preps up so that each person had a specific task, like folding, stamping, shining, etc.  Each person was able to specialize in one thing, and benefit the entire company.  He said that no matter what you do, all OCS Candidates should buy size MEDIUM shirts because they fold perfect with the 6x6 required fold. 

He also surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries yesterday from Shari's Berries. :o) Apparently, he ordered them before he checked into OCS. My Sweetheart <3 I love that boy SO freaking much! In a letter I received yesterday, he mentioned that he wanted me to give my mom and Sophy (our beautiful Weimador) a strawberry. :) He almost blew the surprise! But his letters were mailed in PERFECT timing!

Apparently his Company (A) had 3 that failed RLP on Thursday, ruining their chance at being an Honor Class (winning all events against Company B).  The entire class will work with those 3 so that they get another chance at passing tomorrow (Saturday). 

I had my first Dr. appointment on Wednesday!  The Baby is 7 weeks as of today, due October 4th! :o)

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